LONG BEACH, California - November 1, 2020

GB Remanufacturing is pleased to announce its 2020 new product release of remanufactured Gasoline Direction Injectors (GDI) and Multi-port Fuel Injectors (MPFI). This release includes 20 part numbers covering over 3 million vehicles in operation and over 750 unique vehicle applications.
To learn more, download the announcement here.
About GB Remanufacturing, Inc.
Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Long Beach, CA, GB Remanufacturing, Inc. is the market leader in providing remanufactured OEM gasoline and diesel fuel injectors, injector components and diesel electronics to the automotive aftermarket.
Contact: Delaney Kitching
Marketing Manager, GB Remanufacturing
(562) 272-7333